On which interface you will be working as a developer?
how can we create a Sorrogate key in transformer stage? I want it in parallel mode
where we use column generator stage in real time scenario?
How to generate surrogate key without using surrogate key stage?
In Sequential file, how can i split a column into two, and that column contains string datatype. For Example, i have column of string datatype as subedar khaja. Now i want get output as separately with subedar in one column and khaja in second column. How? Coula anybody, solve it?
how many write modes are there in ds
What is the difference between passive stage and active stage?
i have flat file and using unix how can i generate sequence number into targer?
What is the purpose of pivot stage and types of containers in datastage
What is difference between 8.1 , 8.5 and 9.1 ?
Lookup constraints
what is the difference between datasatge and datastage TX?
AGGREGATOR default datatype