What are string functions in sql?
what is a composite primary key ? : Sql dba
what is the difference between to_char and to_date functions?
Is it possible to Restore a Dropped Table using Rollback Command in Oracle SQL Plus ?
what are the features and advantages of object-oriented programming? : Sql dba
Can we use ddl commands in pl sql?
How many subqueries can be nested in a statement?
need to split a string into seperate values. eg. col1 col2 ---------- 100 - 'a,b,c' 200 - 'a,x,b,d,e' 300 - 'c' result: value count ------------- a - 2 b - 1 c - 2 etc.
What is difference between cursor and ref cursor?
What is a table partition?
What is the difference between alter trigger and drop trigger statements?
i want insert 10 records from table a to table b. if i m using statement level trigger how many record insert ?in row level trigger how many record inserted???
3 Answers Scope International,
I have a table with 1 million records out of which 10,000 records are of unique records, then if I will implement index, then which type of index shall I use and why shall I use?