What is auto increment feature in sql?
How to use sql statements in pl/sql?
What is the reports view in oracle sql developer?
What is data type in database?
how to check the 3rd max salary from an employee table? One of the queries used is as follows: select sal from emp a where 3=(select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal<=b.sal). Here in the sub query "select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal<=b.sal" or "select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal=b.sal" should reveal the same number of rows is in't it? Can any one here please explain me how is this query working perfectly. However, there is another query to get the 3rd highest of salaries of employees that logic I can understand. Pls find the query below. "select min(salary) from emp where salary in(select distinct top 3 salary from emp order by salary desc)" Please explain me how "select sal from emp a where 3=(select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal<=b.sal)" works source:http://www.allinterview.com/showanswers/33264.html. Thanks in advance Regards, Karthik.
how to remove records from table? no name 1 a 2 b 1 a 2 b 3 c
what are the advantages and disadvantages of cascading style sheets? : Sql dba
Why do we need view in sql?
what are the authentication modes in sql server? : Sql dba
What is java sql connection?
What is a left inner join?
Explain how to use transactions efficiently : transact sql
what is datawarehouse? : Sql dba