Explain raise_application_error.
What is number function in sql?
in oracle 10g sw after compiling procedure how to pass parameter values ,if we (v_empid out number)how to give empid after successful compilation program.This site exact suitable for 10g with respect to question & answer same format , im trying sql browser & sql command prompt using exec procedure name & respective parameters.
what are sequences
What is data modelling in sql?
what are enums used for in mysql? : Sql dba
How can you load microsoft excel data into oracle? : aql loader
what is cross join? : Sql dba
what is hash join
I m giving Source, Destination and Age. Write a procedure or function, it will give to u this source to destination tickets are available or not, if available then check this person is senior citizen or not,if this person is senior citizen then give some discount. PLZ give this answer...... Thanks advance.....
If the base table structure is changed what will happen to join index????
How will you select unique values from a list of records?
Is foreign key mandatory?