When the rendezvous point is insert?
How can we find database related issues?
which institute is good to learn load runner
In correlation(web_reg_save_param) function,i need to display the last but one value(n-1) value if the boundary values keeps on changing. For example : At the time of recording,the n value is 3 and at the time of playback, the n value is 4. then how can i display the n-1 value
Hi Am new for load testing.I got the following error..Please check it and do needful.. Action.c(213): To location " PUNE/wfErrorApplication.aspx" [MsgId: MMSG-26693] Action.c(213): Found resource " NIELSEN-PUNE/ccms_css.css" in HTML " NIELSEN-PUNE/wfErrorApplication.aspx" [MsgId: MMSG-26659] Action.c(213): Found resource " NIELSEN-PUNE/images/ERROR.GIF" in HTML " PUNE/wfErrorApplication.aspx" [MsgId: MMSG-26659]
How do you decide the number of load generator machine required to run a test?
What are all the reasons to use the server resources monitor?
What is lr-function?
how can i capture the elapsed time of a scenario in a script?
what is the use of "swing time" in Load Runner?
what all the bottle necks can occur in real time, can any one tell me what all u have faced, thanks in advance
How could you measures Https/Sec ?
difference between latency and transaction response time