When the loadrunner controller open the winrunner file then what is the location of the winner configuration file?
What does vuser_init action contain?
Hi guys I am pravash kumar satapathy having 4.5yrs experience in loadrunner .i am providing online training in loadrunner,jmeter .if any body are interested directly u can call me or mail me pravashkumarsatapathy@gmail.com pk.loadrunner-----skype 9437629024
How can i parameterize data through Excel sheet using VB Vuser protocol?
How are concurrent users differing from simultaneous users?
here 100user and 8hours time and 500000 transactions what r the inputs nees for this scenario?
What are the Performance Testing Methodologies or life cycle? And Give Brief explanation?
Hi Friends, I have 3 years of exp.in Manual Testing.My Company is going to provide training for Automation.Pls suggest me Which tool is better QTP/Load runner for future opportunity? Thanks in Advance.
What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.in Load Runner. And how will u know(Client)ur using HTTP or HTTPS.? Any one can justify?
how can we record the Ajax Script, when some of the validations devloped in AJax using Loadrunner 8.0. I know there is separate protocol in LR 9.0
what is the language(Script) use in Loadrunner script?
which language is used for load runner script?
what all the bottle necks can occur in real time, can any one tell me what all u have faced, thanks in advance