Interview and writtentest on Jan 4 2007 with Cts
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Answer / sukesh motwani
Written Test Paper is as Follows.
CTS Placement Papers | CTS Interview Procedure |
CTS Aptitude Questions | CTS Technical Questions |
CTS Interview Questions
1. A rail network consist of 68 routes touching station A, B, C. 5 routes
touches each of the three station. 2 routes touches B, C; 3 route touches
B, A. 4 Route touches A, C. The ratio of route touching the A:B:C are
11:15:8. Find out how many route touches A, B, C, only. Find out also how
many route touches A, B, C station?
2. Two consecutive sides of a cube were painted with dark colour, and the
opposite faces were painted with white. Rest of them is painted with
yellow. The cube is divided into 64 equal parts. How many of them are
painted in (i) one side only (ii) two side only?
3. Similar cube problem from RS Agarwal.
4. Vein Diagram problem
CTS Placement Papers | CTS Interview Procedure |
CTS Aptitude Questions | CTS Technical Questions |
CTS Interview Questions
Logical reasoning:
1. Blood relation problems; if A-B means A is daughter of B, A+B means A
is son of B then find out ...
2. Logical vein Diagram
3. Find out the odd figure
4. In a rectangular table, eight persons are sitting facing each other.
Some of the conditions are given, like P is left to R, S is extreme left,
T is right of V, U & V are just opposite, then find out..
1) Two comprehension Passages were given
2) Find out the incorrect & correct sentence
30 Arrange according to sequential order
Regarding the aptitude test, RS Agrawal is enough.
After the aptitude test, there was personal interview. I have Physics as
my subject, so they asked me from that.
Personal Interview :
1.say about yourself?
2.why did you choose Cognizant?
3.What is your career goal in our company?
4.say Newton?s 2nd Law?
5.What is your advantage, key skill & weakness?
6.What is the definition of horsepower?
7.What is load?
8.What is machine?
9.about diode?
10.Simple numerical problems from Class XII book?
11.What is the difference between Kwatt & K-Watt hour?
12.Why did you took Physics in Graduation & why you choosing to enter the
It sector?
13.Do you think Physics will be any advantage for working with us?
14.What is learning?
15.Say one most embarrassing case You faced and how did you overcome it?
16.what activities did you took part as an organizer ?
17.What is the headline of Today?s Newspaper?What is your opinion on
18.What is your opinion of hanging of Saddam?
19.Have you any questions?
CTS Placement Papers | CTS Interview Procedure |
CTS Aptitude Questions | CTS Technical Questions |
CTS Interview Questions
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
for the cube problm
answer is:
8 parts r coated 3sides
24 parts r coated 2 sides
24 parts r coated 1 sides
8 parts r non coated
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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