How to open an older version of an object in the workspace?
Difference between Data and Index Caches?
What did you do in source pre load stored procedure
Is there any model difference between ODS and DWH
Quickly characterize reusable change?
What is decode in static cache?
How to retrieve last two days updated records?
What is a parameter When and where do you them when does the value will be created
Diff b/w ShortCut and reusabel Object ?
I have in my source Records like 100,101,102 etc. I have router transformation which has groups like one group is empno=100, second group is empno>99. Now i want to know my source record 100 loads into which group?
If informatica has its scheduler why using third party scheduler?
What is difference between maplet and reusable transformation?
How is Data Models Used in Practice?