I want to open a Notepad window without recording a test and I do not want to use System utility Run command as well. How do I do this?
Mention the different actions types of qtp.
what is memory leakage?
16 Answers ITC Infotech, Panamax, TIT,
On the website, the protocol has been changed https: to https what you will do? Tell me your approach?
how to write code for to select all the checkboxs in the gmail i wrote code for my question but it didn't works any body suggest what wrong my code my code is Set chkboxDesc=Description.Create() chkboxDesc("type").value="chekbox" Set chboxcollection=Browser("name:=Gmail .*").Page("title:=Gmail .*").ChildObjects(chkboxDesc) For i=0 To chboxcollection.count-1 chboxcollection(i).set "ON" Next i was getting general run time error pls help me i am in learing stage
how to find that tools work well with ur existing system?
how can u put synchronization point in qtp,wat is exactly synchroniztion why we use it wat is benifit in qtp
13 Answers College School Exams Tests, Mind Tree,
hi, can u tell me the QTP TEsting process in present real time companies?(beware of this... now a days Recording is not using,, only DP) and don't tell note book answers like step 1 spep2....like this .......post answer with professional skills in simple english words) thank u
Synchronozation types in QTP
How can I replace all the text from the QTP script with some other text. Is there any replace all function in QTP Any one can help me
requirement is for combo box your expected value is str= "Denver.Frankfurt.London.Los Angeles.Paris.Portland.San Francisco.Seattle.Sydney.Zurich" ar = Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").GetContent your actual value is : that shows data in combo box how can u test the both data is correct or not by using split function
How can we display the names of the buttons in the toolbar of a webpage
HoW to open QTP in Real time.after getting the qtp window how to log in .pl answer real time people