What are the properties you would use for identifying a browser and page when using descriptive programming?
How do know the number of browsers opened?
A question was asked in a company-suppose, I am testing a website on QTP, all the time a new title bar is appeared on next page. Trying to use regular expression under key word driven testing but expert view is also appearing unchanged and error is also generating, do you have any best resolution for that kindly explain in detail. please dont give example of yahoomail, that is unable to clear my doubt.
Hi All I'm new in QTP. I'm trying to make test cases for login on Flight.exe . I have parametrise the agentname and password field. So wen wromg agent name or password is entered it show a dialog box with proper message(Like: "Wrong Password" or :Please enter Password" etc) and OK button. I have created If else block. Now my problem is i want to make checkpoint on error message Dialog box. But each time i create a checkpoint it shows same text message. So how i can check that message is there or not.
when we right click on the desktop of any operating system we find a menu , consisting of refresh,edit,open,paste and cut etc... how to load the object and object properties of that menu in QTP
HOW to invoke any recorded script in QTP with out using RECORD & PLAYBACK CONCEPT?
How to open a new test using QTP?
in my application,validation message has in japanise language.how to validate this message is appears properly or not
how can i do QTP Certification can any 1 tell me . How 1 approch and who to approch
Can objects recognised without repository?
What exactly a frame Work means?what are the different type of frameworks done in QTP?why the caption for QTP given as advanced keyword driven?
How do you create a library file
What are associated files in QTP?