What is active screen?
I am testing a website TheLancet in qtp 9.2 and running a script but its not working.Tell me if m doing anything wrong in the script. If Browser("TheLancet.com - Home Page").Page("TheLancet.com - Home Page").Link("Clinical").exists then msgbox "object exist" Else msgbox"object doesnt exist"
QTP -object reposistory spy tool is not able to spy the pop up message appearing in the application, so how is that i can handle such run time pop ups in QTP by code???
hi guys, could you please prepare script for given format ? 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...etc use vbscript for this...?
How do you use the parameters.input parameters and out put parameters.
Hi, can explain the draw back of manual testing.plz send me the answer to my mail id deepthip1985@gmail.com
How to export data in excelsheet to qtp without using datatable.
What are the things(properties, and other details) will be recorded while recording an object using normal recording?
abt filter function if iam using below two statments its ok My = Array ("Apples","Oranges", "Apricots") MyResult = Filter(My, "Oran") if i use msgbox MyResult it shows type mismatch plz help me
Where is the Bitmap checkpoint information stored?
can any body tell me how i create a simple script and apply output value on it .pls send me a step by step process
How do u write a regular expression for date (dd/mm/yyyy) field ?
How can we do Data driven testing Using For loop in QTP?