The field mapping button on worklist definition is used for for mapping the fields of worklist record that can be visible on worklist message. We can assign the following type of values to it?
In which pc events dosave function is useful?
Do you know when should be position management be preferred?
Suppose if hr admin creates a person by error in peoplesoft, how can the person be removed from all key database tables using a delivered process?
What is paycycle?
What happens if you don't specify a search record for a component?
What is the purpose of state record?
Are disconnected mobile applications supported in peopletools 8.lx?
Do you know peoplesoft has its own naming convention for system and non-system (application) tables. In the list below, recordname refers to the name of any table or record.referring to the above information, which one of the following identifies the naming convention peoplesoft uses for system tables?
What are all stored in System Catalog?
Explain data mover.
Explain differences between state and temp records?
What is a transaction control statement?