With the use of an alternate index, how is a VSAM file accessed?
How to import the cics code for updations? what are steps do we need follow for execution again after modification? plz any body help me to know
Can a program change protected field ?
What is meant by MDT? Furthermore, comment on FRSET and FSET ?
Explain the difference between exec cics handle condtion and an exec cics ignore command?
Which transient data queue supports ATI?
Name some translator and compile options and explain their meaning?
How are screens created in cics
Particular area has been affected in cics screen, what is the process to find?
What is the command which will delete a program LOADed into the main storage using LOAD command?
what is difference between call and link ?
Can ESDS files be accessed from CICS?
How do you use extended attributes ?