The minimum age limit to become a member of Lok Sabha is
(1) 35 years
(2) 30 years
(3) 25 years
(4) 18 years
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Answer / srujanareddy
25 years... it is absolutely right answer
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 5 No |
1WATT IS EQUAL TO .............KCal/hOURS
how can i get the old question papers for the post junior engineer (electrical) in rrb chennai. What is the syllabus for that post
In which way the ?Wall Street? is famous ? (1) New York stock exchange is situated there (2) It is the center where the British newspapers are published (3) It is the center where the American newspapers are published (4) Twin towers of the World Trade Centre were situated there
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Railway Recruitment Board (Bangalore) Supervisor (P-Way) Recruitment Exam May 2004 Question Papers
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Railway recruitment board (Chennai) section Engineer recruitment examination 2006 & 2005&2004 question papers.
115 Answers Jeltron, RRB, State Bank Of India SBI,
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