Railway Recruitment Board (Bangalore)
Supervisor (P-Way) Recruitment Exam
May 2004 Question Papers
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Railway Recruitment Board (Bangalore)
Supervisor (P-Way) Recruitment Exam
May 2004 Question Papers
1. A motor converts
(1) Electrical energy into kinetic energy
(2) Kinetic energy into electrical energy
(3) Electrical energy into magnetic energy
(4) Solar energy into electrical energy
Ans: ( 1 ) Electrical energy into kinetic energy
2. A dynamo produces 0.5 Ampere at 6 volts. Produced power
exerted in watts is
(1) 3
(2) 12
(3) 0.083
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 1 ) 3
3. When electric current passes through any conductor, then
its temperature
(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains same
(4) Depends upon conductor
Ans: ( 2 ) Decreases
4. On the same voltage, the resistance of the filament of
the bulbs of 200 watt and 100 watt are R1 and R2, then
(1) The value of R1 is twice that of R2
(2) The value of R2 is four times the value of R1
(3) The value of R1 is four times that of R2
(4) The value of R2 is twice that of R1
Ans: ( 4 ) The value of R2 is twice that of R1
5. Which of the following statements are correct for Ohm?s Law?
(1) Electric current across the conductor and the multiple
of the potential difference of conductor indicate resistance
(2) The ratio of potential difference of conductor and
electric current across the conductor is always constant
(3) If all the physical states are constant, then potential
difference across the conductor is directly proportional to
its passing electric current
(4) If all the physical states are constant, then the
potential difference across any matter which conducts
electricity is inversely proportional to its flowing current
Ans: ( 3 ) If all the physical states are constant, then
potential difference across the conductor is directly
proportional to its passing electric current
6. A wire of resistance 10 ohms is drawn out to three times
its original length. The new resistance will be
(1) 90 ohm
(2) 10 ohm
(3) 30 ohm
(4) 120 ohm
Ans: ( 1 ) 90 ohm
7. Electromagnetic radiation of the highest frequency is
(1) -rays
(2) x-rays
(3) Radio waves
(4) Infrared waves
Ans: ( 1 ) -rays
8. One of the simplest applications of a diode is in
(1) Amplification
(2) Detection of microwaves
(3) Modulation of signals
(4) Rectification
Ans: ( 3 ) Modulation of signals
9. Ornamental granite stone is found in the district of
(1) Gulbarga
(2) Uttara Kannada
(3) Kodagu
(4) Mysore
Ans: ( 4 ) Mysore
10. The critical mass of a nuclear reaction is
(1) The initial mass to start a nuclear fission
(2) The minimum mass for the chain reaction
(3) The size of the reactor core
(4) The size of the reactor core + size of the moderator
Ans: ( 1 ) The initial mass to start a nuclear fission
11. The speed of electro-magnetic radiation in a vacuum
(1) Increases from radio rays to -rays
(2) Decreases from radio rays to -rays
(3) Depends upon the source of the radiation
(4) Is equal for all factors or elements
Ans: ( 4 ) Is equal for all factors or elements
12. A longitudinal wave is made, when
(1) Two stationary waves equal frequency and amplitude meet
in opposite directions
(2) Two stationary waves of equal frequency and amplitude
meet in the same direction
(3) Two stationary waves of equal frequency but different
amplitudes meet in opposite directions
(4) Two stationary waves of equal amplitude but different
frequency meet in opposite directions
Ans: ( 2 ) Two stationary waves of equal frequency and
amplitude meet in the same direction
13. In order to move one unit of positive charge from one
point to another on the same potential surface
(1) Work is done through the charge
(2) Work is done on the charge
(3) No work is done
(4) The work done is fixed
Ans: ( 3 ) No work is done
14. Which of the following can explain the echo produced
through sound waves?
(1) Shifting
(2) Refraction
(3) Reflection
(4) Dispersion
Ans: ( 3 ) Reflection
15. Decibel is defined in terms of
(1) voltage level
(2) power ratio
(3) current level
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 4 ) None of these
16. A load cell is a
(1) Photo-voltaic cell
(2) Strain gauge
(3) Thermistor
(4) Pressure gauge
Ans: ( 4 ) Pressure gauge
17. A D.C. series motor should
(1) always be run at constant speed
(2) always be started on load
(3) not be used where starting torque is high
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 3 ) not be used where starting torque is high
18. One horse power is equal to
(1) 1000 watts
(2) 750 watts
(3) 746 watts
(4) 500 watts
Ans: ( 3 ) 746 watts
19. Actual power from a compression ignition engine is
delivered during
(1) Compression stroke
(2) Expansion stroke
(3) Suction stroke
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) Expansion stroke
20. A bolt has a hexagonal slot. Which tool is suited for
turning the bolt?
(1) Box spanner
(2) Philips screw driver
(3) Allen key
(4) Torque wrench
Ans: ( 4 ) Torque wrench
21. Cable used for a cable TV network is
(1) Twisted cable
(2) Co-axial cable
(3) UTP cable
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) Co-axial cable
22. A wire of resistance 24 ohms is bent in the form of a
circular ring. The effective resistance between the two
points on any diameter of the circle is
(1) 24 ohms
(2) 12 ohms
(3) 6 ohms
(4) 3 ohms
Ans: ( 2 ) 12 ohms
23. Distortion caused on a telephone line by on adjacent
telephone line is called
(1) Inductive disturbance
(2) Cross-talk
(3) Cross fire
(4) Transposition
Ans: ( 1 ) Inductive disturbance
24. A short initializing programme of a P.C. is called
(1) Main programme
(2) Sub-routine
(3) Boot programme
(4) Branch
Ans: ( 3 ) Boot programme
25. Optical fibres are used for communication in LASER because
(1) Interference is produced by other lasers
(2) They ensure that the beam does not scatter
(3) They produce atmospheric interference
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) They ensure that the beam does not scatter
26. In a pneumatic control system, the medium used is
(1) Liquid
(2) Oil
(3) Wind
(4) Hydrogen
Ans: ( 2 ) Oil
27 In a Binary System the decimal number 15 is written in
which of these forms ?
(1) 1110
(2) 1100
(3) 1111
(4) 1001
Ans: ( 3 ) 1111
28. L.V.D.T
(1) enables measurement of temperature
(2) helps in converting linear movement into electric signal
(3) transforming electric signal in linear motion
(4) can be used to identify angular displacement
Ans: ( 3 ) transforming electric signal in linear motion
29. What is ?ROM? associated with computers ?
(1) Random only memory
(2) Repeat only memory
(3) Read only memory
(4) Rate of memory
Ans: ( 3 ) Read only memory
30. Two binary numbers 1000 and 1101 will have their sum
total in the decimal form as
(1) 18
(2) 21
(3) 19
(4) 22
Ans: ( 2 ) 21
31. Which of these helps in converting A.C. high voltage to
low voltage or its opposite?
(1) Transistor
(2) Transformer
(3) Computater
(4) Accumulator
Ans: ( 2 ) Transformer
32. A P-type semiconductor will be rich in
(1) Electrons
(2) Holes
(3) Holes and electrons
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) Holes
33. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has longest
(1) Infra-red
(2) Light-rays
(3) Ultra-violet
(4) Gamma rays
Ans: ( 3 ) Ultra-violet
34. Rockets and jets work on the principle of
(1) Newton?s first law
(2) Newton?s third law
(3) Newton?s second law
(4) Pascal?s law
Ans: ( 2 ) Newton?s third law
35. Lightning conductors are made of
(1) Iron
(2) Copper
(3) Steel
(4) Chromium
Ans: ( 2 ) Copper
36. Ramesh borrowed Rs. 500 for buying to buffalo from bank
at 10% per annuam simple interest. After 3 years he
settled the account. What amount did he pay?
(1) Rs. 600
(2) Rs. 650
(3) Rs. 700
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) Rs. 650
37. If 15% of 40% of a number is 6, then the number is
(1) 15
(2) 20
(3) 1000
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 4 ) None of these
38. An article is marked 20% above cost price. The
shop-keeper allows a discount of 10% on it. What is his
gain or loss percent?
(1) 10%
(2) 8%
(3) 9%
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) 8%
39. In term of percentage 26 is how much more than 20?
(1) 25%
(2) 20%
(3) 28%
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 3 ) 28%
40. Successive discounts of 10% and 20% are equivalent to a
single discount of
(1) 25%
(2) 20%
(3) 28%
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 3 ) 28%
41. A number of two digits has 3 for its units digit and sum
of the digits is 1/7 of the number itself. The number is
(1) 93
(2) 63
(3) 73
(4) 43
Ans: ( 2 ) 63
42. A train covers a distance of 713 km in 11 hours and 30
minutes. The speed of the train in km/hr is
(1) 75
(2) 55
(3) 62
(4) 52
Ans: ( 3 ) 62
43. Six men A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a circle.
B is in between F and C, A between E and D, and F is
standing left of D. Who is between A and F?
(1) C
(2) B
(3) D
(4) E
Ans: ( 3 ) D
44. When one-fourth of a number is subtracted from one-third
of the same number 12 is obtained. The number is
(1) 63
(2) 72
(3) 120
(4) 144
Ans: ( 4 ) 144
45. What will be the next number in the series 786, 686, 586
(1) 386
(2) 686
(3) 486
(4) 586
Ans: ( 3 ) 486
46. The selling price of 4 chairs is equal to the cost price
of 5 chairs. The profit percent is
(1) 20%
(2) 30%
(3) 25%
(4) 35%
Ans: ( 3 ) 25%
47. Looking into a mirror, the clock shows 9.30 as the time.
The actual time is
(1) 4.30
(2) 2.30
(3) 3.30
(4) 6.30
Ans: ( 2 ) 2.30
48. Richter Scale is used to measure
(1) Temperature of the body
(2) Intensity of wind
(3) Earthquakes
(4) Ocean depth
Ans: ( 3 ) Earthquakes
49. Which of the following crops help in nitrogen fixation?
(1) Maize
(2) Beans
(3) Wheat
(4) Rice
Ans: ( 2 ) Beans
50. Chandragupta Maurya embraced Jainism in the 3rd century
B.C. at
(1) Magdh
(2) Jaisalmer
(3) Shravanabelagola
(4) Pataliputra
Ans: ( 3 ) Shravanabelagola
51. It is not advisable to sleep under a tree at night
because of the
(1) Release of carbon monoxide
(2) Release of oxygen in larger amount
(3) Release of carbon dioxide
(4) Release of oxygen in lesser amount
Ans: ( 3 ) Release of carbon dioxide
52. Pt. Bhimsen Joshi is associated with
(1) Karnatic Music
(2) Hindustani
(3) Violin
(4) Tabla
Ans: ( 2 ) Hindustani
53. The first month of the Saka calendar is
(1) Vaisakha
(2) Magh
(3) Chaitra
(4) Bhadrapad
Ans: ( 3 ) Chaitra
54. Cauvery river flows through
(1) Tamil Nadu and Kerala
(2) Andhra Pradesh and kerala
(3) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
(4) Karnataka and Kerala
Ans: ( 3 ) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
55. Dr. C.V. Raman was awarded Nobel Prize in
(1) Medicine
(2) Physics
(3) Literature
(4) Chemistry
Ans: ( 2 ) Physics
56. Which one of the following is cultivated by
transplanting seedlings?
(1) Sorghum
(2) Onion
(3) Maize
(4) Soyabean
Ans: ( 2 ) Onion
57. Which one of the following is not a natural source of
(1) Wood
(2) Sun
(3) Electricity
(4) Coal
Ans: ( 3 ) Electricity
58. Kunakudi Vaidyanathan is associated with
(1) Veena
(2) Violin
(3) Guitar
(4) Tabla
Ans: ( 2 ) Violin
59. Which of the following controls the quantity of sugar in
the body and is secreted by pancreas?
(1) Vitamin
(2) Rennin
(3) Insulin
(4) Creatin
Ans: ( 3 ) Insulin
60. Gokak Falls is situated in which district ?
(1) Dharwad
(2) Raichur
(3) Belagavi
(4) Bidar
Ans: ( 3 ) Belagavi
61. Famous sanctuary Ranganthittu is near
(1) Bharatpur
(2) Secunderabad
(3) Mysore
(4) Chennai
Ans: ( 1 ) Bharatpur
62. Total number of zones of Indian Railways is
(1) 9
(2) 16
(3) 17
(4) 15
Ans: ( 2 ) 16
63. Belur is situated on the bank of which river?
(1) Cauvery
(2) Yegachi
(3) Yamuna
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 4 ) None of these
64. Where in the sands is buried a Shiva Temple?
(1) Bangalore
(2) Jaisalmer
(3) Talakadu
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 3 ) Talakadu
65. Agumbe is known as Cherrapunji of the south, and is in
(1) Chennai
(2) Shimoga
(3) Mysore
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) Shimoga
66. Karnataka State Song ?Jai Bharat Jananiye Tanujate? has
been written by
(1) V.K. Gokak
(2) Kuvempu
(3) Girish Karnad
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) Kuvempu
67. Who is lovingly called Annavaru?, which means loving
elder brother?
(1) Sri S.M. Krishna
(2) Dr. Raj Kumar
(3) Sri C. Wodayer
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) Dr. Raj Kumar
68. The cube roots of 1 are in
(1) A.P.
(2) G.P.
(3) H.P.
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) G.P.
69. If a, a ? 2, 3a are in A.P., then is
(1) 2
(2) ?2
(3) 3
(4) ?3
Ans: ( 2 ) ?2
70. The first, second and last terms of an A.P. are 4, 7 and
31 respectively, then
(1) the third term is 15
(2) the no. of terms is 10
(3) the sum of the terms is 155
(4) None of these
Ans: ( 2 ) the no. of terms is 10
71. How many committees of 5 members can be formed from 6
gentlemen and 4 ladies?
(1) 120
(2) 252
(3) 10P5
(4) 10C5
Ans: ( 2 ) 252
72. If w is the cubic root of the unit and n, a multiple of
3, then 1 + wn +2wn is equal to
(1) 3
(2) 2
(3) 1
(4) 0
Ans: ( 1 ) 3
73. The equation of the tangent to the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx
+ 2fy + c = 0 at the origin is
(1) x = 0
(2) y = 0
(3) fx + gy = 0
(4) gx + fy = 0
Ans: ( 4 ) gx + fy = 0
74. The solution of the diferential equation cos x cos y
dx + sin x sin y dy = 0 is
(1) tan x = c
(2) sec x ? sec y = c
(3) sin x = c cos y
(4) cos x = c sin y
Ans: ( 3 ) sin x = c cos y
75. If sin A = sin B and cos A = cos B, then:
(1) A = 2n  + B
(2) A = 2n  - B (n  Z)
(3) A = n + B
(4) A = n - B
Ans: ( 1 ) A = 2n  + B
76. The equation x2 + y2 ? 2xy ? 1 = 0 represents which of
the following?
(1) Two vertical straight lines
(2) Hyperbola
(3) A circle
(4) Two parallel straight lines
Ans: ( 2 ) Hyperbola
77. Which of the following statements is true ?
(1) The speed of light in a vacuum depends upon the wavelength
(2) The speed of light in a vacuum depends upon the frequency
(3) The speed of light depends on wavelength, and not on
(4) The speed of light is independent of frequency and
Ans: ( 1 ) The speed of light in a vacuum depends upon the
78. To demonstrate the phenomena of interference, we require
(1) Two sources which emit radiation of the same frequency
(2) Two sources which emit radiation of nearly the same
(3) Two sources which emit radiation of the same frequency
and have a definite phase relationship
(4) Two sources which emit radiation of different wavelengths
Ans: ( 3 ) Two sources which emit radiation of the same
frequency and have a definite phase relationship
79. The blue colour of the sky is due to the fact that
(1) Red light is absorbed
(2) Blue light is preferentially scattered
(3) Blue light is preferentially absorbed
(4) Blue is the natural colour of sky
Ans: ( 2 ) Blue light is preferentially scattered
80. To get three images of a simple object, one should have
two plane mirrors at an angle of
(1) 500
(2) 600
(3) 300
(4) 900
Ans: ( 4 ) 900
81. A bar magnet with poles N and S marked is freely
suspended. Then the end marked N would point towards
(1) the South magnetic pole of the earth
(2) the South geographic pole of the earth
(3) the North magnetic pole of the earth
(4) the North geographic pole of the earth
Ans: ( 4 ) the North geographic pole of the earth
82. At the North magnetic pole, the angle of dip would be
(1) 00
(2) 450
(3) 900
(4) 1800
Ans: ( 3 ) 900
83. A steady current is flowing through a solenoid. If a
bundle of soft iron is inserted in the coil, then the
magnetic field inside the solenoid
(1) increases
(2) decreases
(3) remains unaffected
(4) increases first and then decreases
Ans: ( 3 ) remains unaffected
84. Three resistances of 2 ohms each are connected in a
triangle. The resistance in ohms between any two corners is
?????.. ohms.
(1) 3
(2) 4
(3) 6
(4) 4/3
Ans: ( 4 ) 4/3
85. The motion of an electron is affected by
(1) only an electric field
(2) only a magnetic field
(3) both electric and magnetic fields
(4) either an electric or magnetic field
Ans: ( 3 ) both electric and magnetic fields
Is This Answer Correct ? | 32 Yes | 8 No |
muliple type question
hai guys i completed my bsc and i applied already ASSISTANT STATION MASTER POST... PLS tell the process of selection of asst stn mstr? 1st written test exm and next.......? and syllabus for written test?
A transformer transform - a.voltage b.current c.power
A man starts his journey from the North Pole and travels a distance of 100 kms. in one direction. Thereafter, he turns towards east and travels another 100 kms. then he turns northward and goes for another 100 kmz. How far he is now from the North Pole ? (a) 0 km (b) 100 km (c) 200 km (d) 400 km
Diode is a device which (a) Conducts in one direction and blocks in other direction (b) Conducts in both directions (c) Blocks in both directions (d) None of these
can anyone send me the previous year question papers for the post of "Section Engneer/Junior Engineer" (Electronics)? please help me to find it out.
The daily ?National Programme? of Doordarshan was first introduced in the year (1) 1970 (2) 1972 (3) 1980 (4) 1984
?CAS? stands for (a) Conditional Audio System (b) Conditional Access System (c) Complete Audio System (d) Complete Access System
Railway Recruitment Board, (Bangalore) (Goods Guards Recruitment Exam) June 2004 Question Papers
When two coins are thrown up together, what will be the probability of getting two ?Heads?? (a) 1/2 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/4 (d) 1/8