Describe briefly about the CRM Software and its various features ?

Describe briefly about the CRM Software and its various features ?..

Answer / siva_krishna

Sales Force Automation
o Contact management
This software software stores, tracks and manages contacts, leads of an enterprise.
o Lead management
This software enables an organization to manage, track and forecast sales leads.
eCRM or Web based CRM
o Self Service CRM
This software is also called as eCRM. This Enables web based customer interaction, automation of email, call logs, web site analytics, campaign management.
o Survey Management Software
This software enables understand customers preferences by Electronic surveys, polls, Questionnaires .
Customer Service
o Call Center Software
o Help Desk Software
Partner Relationship Management
o Contract Management Software
This software enables an enterprise to create, track and manage partnerships, contracts, agreements.
o Distribution management Software
This software enables an enterprise to manage all records of distribution of its components.

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