The file stdio.h, what does it contain?
There are 8 billiard balls, and one of them is slightly heavier, but the only way to tell was by putting it on a weighing scale against another. What's the fewest number of times you'd have to use the scale to find the heavier ball?
main() { struct s1 { char *str; struct s1 *ptr; }; static struct s1 arr[] = { {"Hyderabad",arr+1}, {"Bangalore",arr+2}, {"Delhi",arr} }; struct s1 *p[3]; int i; < BR> for(i=0;i<=2;i++) p[i] = arr[i].ptr; printf("%s ",(*p)->str); printf("%s ",(++*p)->str); printf("%s ",((*p)++)->str); }
What is property type c?
consider the following C code main() { int i=3,x; while(i>0) { x=func(i); i--; } int func(int n) { static sum=0; sum=sum+n; return(sum); } the final value of x is
Is file a keyword in c?
how to find sum of digits in C?
FIND THE OUTPUT IF THE INPUT IS 5 5.75 void main() { int i=1; float f=2.25; scanf("%d%f",&i,&f); printf("%d %f",,i,f); } ANSWER IS 5 AND 2.25 WHY?
Difference between exit() and _exit() function?
how to find the kth smallest element in the given list of array elemnts.
How many types of linked lists what are they? How many types of data structures?
18 Answers BSNL, Pivotal Software,
What is the auto keyword good for?
What is the size of structure pointer in c?