consider the following C code
int i=3,x;
int func(int n)
static sum=0;
the final value of x is
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Answer / naksh @tcs
Answer is 6;
Sum being the static variale will retain its value state
between he function calls.
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Answer / manishsoni
we know that the static can't change its value but in
"This inside a function static variable retains its value
during various calls."
static sum=0; at i=3;sum=0+3;save or retains sum=3
sum=sum+n; at i=2;sum=3+2:save or retains sum=5
return(sum); at i=1;sum=5+1;save or retains sum=6
so the final value is 6;
if here we declare sum as auto type then it didn't retains
its value or print 1;sum=0+1;
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