Describe the environmental concerns in fashion and textiles.
What is a mancheron?
Who is credited with popularizing the mini skirt?
What cloth did Thomas Burberry patent in 1879?
Which fabric is flax fibre made into?
Which year was the first face lift done?
hi iam kalyani want to become model. what is size nipples r preffered in modelling and what r the vital stats and sizes?
Which Queen wore widow?s weeds until she died in the C20th?
How did the term The Regency come about?
im 21 years old n doing MBA can i b the modle with working in job how? n im smart n working out it is possible to do both it is my desire to b a modle is there need so much money? tell me how to start n first step my height 5.8smthing tell me
Which fashion house has always designed glorious exotic colourful prints since the 1960s?
Which famous film star wrote a book about her passion for jewellery?
What was a plumassier?