What is the use of ?this??
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The 'this' keyword in Java has the following uses:
1. To resolve ambiguity where a local variable hides a class
member. Example:
class MyClass {
private int value;
public MyClass( int value ) {
// local variable 'value' hides class field 'value'
this.value = value;
2. To invoke one constructor overload from another. Example:
class MyClass {
private int value;
public MyClass( int value ) {
this.value = value;
public MyClass() {
// invoke MyClass( int value )
this( 0 );
3. To pass the current object instance as a parameter to a
method. Example:
class MyClass {
private int value;
public MyClass( int value ) {
this.value = value;
// pass current instance as a parameter to the method
displayValue( this );
public static void displayValue( MyClass mc ) {
System.out.println( "Value = " + mc.value );
4. To invoke an outer class's non-static method from a
non-static inner class. Example:
class MyOuterClass {
class MyInnerClass {
public MyInnerClass() {
// call the outer class's method
MyOuterClass.this.displayText( "Inner instance
created" );
public void displayText( String text ) {
System.out.println( text );
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Answer / ashokmail
'this' operator is used to denote the current working
Class student{
public student(){
public void addStudent(){
// to do code here
public static void main(String args[]){
new student();
'this' in the constructor is used to denote the current
working object student...
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Answer / vijayakumar chinnasamy
a. It call the overloaded(same class only)constructor
b.refer the current object.
c.U cant use 'this' in static method.
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