What is the difference between stored procedure and functions?
optimization techinques
What is store procedure?
How to receive output values from stored procedures?
How to download and install microsoft .net framework version 2.0?
‘Order by’ is not allowed in a view how can you sort information from a view?
Difference Between varchar and nvarchar datatype?
hw you create table in sql using existing table and variable should be in specific order given ex : in old table empid empname empsal empage empbirthdate empaddrs like is there in new table we need it as EX: exmpname empage empaddrs empid empbirthdate like we want hw we create this as a table not view or nt reporting
Can a stored procedure call itself or a recursive stored procedure? How many levels of sp nesting is possible?
How to connect php with different port numbers?
Where do we use trace frag?
What is the purpose of sql profiler in sql server?
what are the new features introduced in sql server 2000? : Sql server database administration