How you would rewrite the sql query to return the customerid sorted numerically?
What is attribute relationships, why we need it? : sql server analysis services, ssas
what is unique and xaml nonclustered index
When do you think a developer should use sql server-based cursors?
What is the difference between push and pull subscription? : sql server replication
what is a deadlock? : Sql server database administration
What are the steps you must follow to hide sql server instances?
Define left outer join?
Why can there be only one clustered index and not more than one?
Do you know the cursor types?
hi to all teachers,... Friends who write in the query mode Full text Search in Sql Server have experience Who make(Convert) this Stored Procedure as a normal Full text Search, which contains and .. Is used, into Advance of the tips I have thanked all friends perfection. Email : Create PROCEDURE Sp_student @fname varchar(50), @lname varchar(50), @tel varchar(50), @code varchar(50), @adr varchar(50), @search_operation varchar(50), @totalRowCount bigint output AS begin if @search_operation = 'and' begin SELECT f3,f4,f5,f6,f7 FROM tb_student WHERE( f5 like '%' + @fname + '%' and f4 like '%' + @lname + '%' and f6 like '%' + @tel + '%' and f7 like '%' + @code + '%' and f3 like '%' + @adr +'%' ) select @totalRowCount = @@rowcount end
how do u do Performance tunning ?
1 Answers Infodat Technologies, Satyam,
Do you know what is replace and stuff function in sql server?