how can I tell when to replace the array?

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in a cl pgm records are copied to a file in qtemp a pgm is called to delete records from the file in qtemp no of records in file in library qtemp is checked wat shud be the count of records let say it was 10 initially endpgm

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RPG/400 number of Records present in a physical file using file information data structure FPF001 IP E DISK F KINFDS INFDS1 IINFDS1 DS I *RECORD RECORD Is this coding correct sir,i have given I P E that is I- input,P-primary file,E-externally described. Primary to use RPG logic cycle,is this the correct method because we have to find number of records present using file information data structure in RPG/400 without doing any input/output operations on the file and also without using DSPFD,SQL. If the above coding is correct means,when i compile the program it gets compiled,but if i call the program it does not return anything,i need number of records,please complete the coding sir.

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1.Suppose my file has 10 fields and I want to make the 2nd field Zeros in all records. And assume I have millions of records and I dont want to read each record and update the desired field with 0. Any other way to do this in one step operation? 2. Assume my file has 100 records and I want to see only first 10 records. Is this possible through LF? 3.I have 3 jobs A B and C. I want to submit B after successful completion of A and want to submit C after successful completion of B. Without using job scheduler or job queue, how can i do that through CL program? 4.What is difference between Bind by copy and bind by reference?

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