Describe a Windows Service and its lifecycle ?
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After capturing the SelectIndexChanged event for a ListBox Control, you find that the event handler doesn?t execute. What could be the problem be? a) The AutoEventWireup attribute is set to False b) The AutomaticPostBack attribute is set to False c) The codebehind module is not properly compiled d) The ListBox must be defined WithEvents.
What is cross page posting in asp net?
Difference between asp and ?
4 Answers Accenture, BirlaSoft, TCS,
1.what is the application pool. 2.what is the HttpModile and Http Handler. 3.C# 3.0 Features ? 4.Anonoymous Type,methopd and claas in 3.0? 5.difference between statsic and const ? 6.session vs application 7.state management clint side and server side ? 8.Genric list 9.c# 3.0 vs 3.5
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Describe the diffeerence between inline and code behind - which is best in a loosely coupled solution?