About DataAdapters ?

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / a.mustaq ahmed

Data Adapters provide in teraction between DataBase and
Dataset.It provite the functionalities like reading the
data from database,update the data,filter the data and wite
the data to Database

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / nitya

DataAdapter acts like a mediator between Dataset and
Datastore(ie.Oracle,Sqlserver or Access).It has two methods
fill() and update().
For Ex:
SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection
DataAdapter da=new DataAdapter(sqlcommand,con);
DataSet ds=new DataSet();

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / manish singh

DataAdapters is important object of Ado.net. it is used to
transfer data to and from database.
DataAdapter is used to Interact with dataset.
DataAdapter has two method fill() and update().

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / kamlesh sharma

DataAdapter acts like a mediator between Dataset and
data adpters and datasets are disconnected model
through which we can store data on the local site and we
can perform menupulation on that

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / sudheer kallipudi

DataAdapter is the bridge between the dataset and database.

Dataset is the Disconnected architecture,through
dataadapter we can get the data from database to dataset.
Once we get the data from database, connection will be
automatically disconnected.Just like Our mobile set.
Once we connected the charger to our mobile,the mobile will
charged.After batary will charge we will disconnect from
the adapter..like that.

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / amit bhardwaj

Data Adapter is interface between database and dataset
whatever data is update that is handle by Data Adapter.

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / devender kumar

SqlDataAdapter is a class of ado.net . This class can't be
inherited. It acts as a interface between our aplication
and database. The commonly used method of this class is Fill
() method which is used to fill the DataTable/DataSet with
the data fetched by query from the database.

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About DataAdapters ?..

Answer / sunil

The data adapter we can use with data set.we can use data
adapter when the data is in disconnected form & we have to
apply some oprations on it.the data adapter is in the
tabular form & we can create any no of virtual tables to
fetch data.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

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