How do you retrieve information from web.config ?
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Answer / ansu_kumar
generaly we store our connection string in web.config file
under tag
<add key=connection_string
value="data source=......"/>
for accessing the value
in aspx page we writes
string const=
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Answer / sudhir kunnure
In web.congig you can add key and its value.And that key
value u can retrive like
string connectionString =
Here conStringWeb is my key and i access its value.
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Answer / anand
we use as
<add name="connection" connectionString="Data
Source=...;Initial Catalog=database_name;User
and in page
string strConnString =
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sam
using ConfigurationManager, Configuration classes
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Answer / vikram
By using Configuration Manager we can get information
<add key=img
value="data source=......"/>
we can use appsetting
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