If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) ?s address is 1245 and then address of (5,7) is ----------

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Rahul took a part in cycling game where 1/5 ahead of him and 5/6 behind him then total number of participants?

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Country-Western songs emphasize three basic themes: love, prison and trucks. A survey or the local Country-Western radio station produced the following data: 12 songs about a truck driver who is in love while in prison 2 about people in prison who are not in love and do not drive trucks 8 about people who are out of prison, are not in love, and do not drive a truck 13 about a prisoner in love 28 about a person in love 18 about a truck driver in love 16 about truck drivers who are not in prison 3 about a truck driver in prison who is not in love Find the number of songs about: a) How many songs were surveyed? _________b) truck drivers? ______ c) prisoners? __________ d) truck drivers in prison? ______ e) people not in prison? __________f) people not in love? ______

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On Monday a manufacturer processed a batch of bats, on Tuesday he processed three times as many, and on Wednesday he processed 4000 bats. In the three days, He processed 16000 bats. How many did he process on Tuesday?

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3. A chicken farmer surveyed his flock with the following results. The farmer Has: 9 fat red roosters(male), 37 fat chickens 6 thin red roosters 2 fat red hens , 7 thin brown hens ,5 thin red hens 26 fat roosters (total) ,18 thin brown roosters Answer the following questions about the flock(HINT: in your Venn diagram make a circle for fat, for male and for red). How many chickens are: a) fat? __________ b) red? ___________ c) male? _________ d) fat, but not male? _________ e) brown, but not fat? ________ e) read and fat? _________

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2. The following list shows the preference of 102 people at a wine-tasting party: 99 like Spanada ,94 like Ripple and Boone’s 96 like Ripple,96 like Spanasa and Boone’s 99 like Boone’s Farm Apple Wine ,93 like all three 95 like Spanada and Ripple How many people prefer: a) none of the three? ______________ b) Spanada, but not Ripple? ______________ c) anything but Boone’s Farm? ______________ d) exactly two kinds of wine? ______________

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