Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer.

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Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer...

Answer / radhika


1.Understanding the BRS and Usecases Document
2.Giving system demo to PM, System analyst, designer, Dev
3.Preparing the Test Actions in xls sheet.
4.Updating the Test Actions based on review commnets by
System analyst/Business Analyst.
5.Preparing the Testcases and Datasets(System level and
global level datasets) in word document
6.updating the Test Cases based on review comments by
System analyst.
7.Installing the application-Testing environment set up.
8.Performing Functional,GUI,System,Compatibility testing(If
necessary), Regression testing based on Test cases
9.Preparing the defect report, Bug tracking list and
sending daily status report to PM, leads.

Is This Answer Correct ?    45 Yes 4 No

Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer...

Answer / aditya

My Daily job starts from here

Go to office, have a cup of coffee then check emails. I will check in my calendar whether there is any meeting for the day. If there is anything urgent work that needs to take care of, then I will start with that job. Otherwise, I will start what is left from yesterday on a priority basis.
like i was writing test plan, i do start with writing test plan, or if writing Test cases or executing, i do start based on priority

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 6 No

Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer...

Answer / jayaram

1)undestanding the frs/brs doc and use cases
2)if any ambiguity is there in requirment report to team lead /Business analyst
3)after getting the clarification identify the test scenario and prepare the test scenarios document
4)prepare the GUI test case documnet
5)write the GUI test cases in exel sheel
6)Build is ready for testing we need to do the sanity testing whether forther testing build is stable or not
7)perform the functional testing with the positive and nagitive inputs
8)if any defect are identified the report/assign to developer
9)after fixing the defect retest the same componant/build
10)perform the regression testing
11)perform the compatability testing as per the requirment
12)generate the test report and send to the Lead/PM

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 0 No

Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer...

Answer / ch.s.m.prasad,kkd

preparing test scenarios , writing the test cases and
executing the test cases in the app. build if we found any
mismatches in the app .build then we will intimate to the
developers through test lead.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer...

Answer / rajeshwar rao

Downloading the build
Install the builds per the requirements.
Funcnality testing
Daily status meeting with team members

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer...

Answer / t.k.padmalatha

i create test cases for every project & prepared bug report
for correspond testcases and send to test lead

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 5 No

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