How to find duplicate record in file using shell script?
How to get the first line from a file using just the terminal?
Devise a script that takes file name as arguement(which must present in the current directory)and locates from your home directory tree all thpath names of its links.Then mail the list to self.
How will you connect to a database server from linux?
How to modify the PATH variable and make it executable?
How do you print the output the same string which is typed in command line. how do you write the shell script or command for this. if i entered "Hello" in command line, it should print 'Hello', if i say "Hello Welcome", i should get the "Hello Welcome" as output.?
What does debug script mean?
There are three departments A,B and C.Write a query to display the names of all the persons( in departments other than A) who are paid higher than the person receiving the lowest salary in DEPT A
A file has multiple records each having three 30-bit long fields(field1,field2,field3).There is also a lookup file,LOOK_UP.dat.Now, we need to consider only the last ten digits of field1 and lookup the file LOOK_UP.dat. If there a match then field2 and field3 should replaced with corresponding data from the lookup file. otherwise that particular record,for which there is no match, should be stored in a seperate file.
There is a record with fields namely name,roll no.,salary,grade etc.Now,write a script to create a file with multiple records have same combination of fields but with unique roll numbers.The script should work for different names in the input file.
how do you write sql queries using shell script for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SAL,DEPTNO columns in EMP table how you display EMPNO,SAL FIELDS from emp in SHELL SCRIPT please explain with an example
how to separate the even and odd number generated from one file to two separate file i.e. even numbers in file1.txt and odd numbers in file2.txt
What is the difference between break and continue commands?