journal entry for commission received
which will be the assessement year for2010-11.
variable cost are fixed: 1) for a period 2) per unit 3) depend upon the entity 4) for a particular process of production
why Prepaid Expense is treated as an asset & what will be its journal entry using golden rules of accounting.
how to caluclate tds from emloyees and others
What is Current Assets minus current Liabilities?
22 Answers Capital IQ, Core Logic, FIC,
suppose total salaries paid is 10000, 1000 is outstanding. how & which amount will shown in receipts & payment, income & expenditure and balance sheet accounts
What qualities have you got that would make you a good accountant?
why is the recocillation done?
2 Answers Global Talent Track,
any body pls. tell me, if we purchase with credit card how to take into tally ( and) comes under which group for credit card purchases
sold some office equipment of rs 1,300 (proceeds beingreceived as rs 700 by cheque and balance in cash) and paid the cheque into his private bank . what will be the journal entry please give answer when you sure about it thanks
What is the golden rule of General Ledger?
i purchase a vehicle rs 500000,including vat 5% , registration fee rs 40420 and insuarance fee 18500, after the use two year i sale it. how to calculate it cost? what entry in tally?