THERMODYNAMIC - EXAMPLE 10.2 : A cylinder with a movable piston contains 0.1 mole of a monoatomic ideal gas. The piston moves through state a, b and c. The heat Q, changes from state c to a is + 685 J. The work W, changes from state c to a is - 120 J. The work, W performed from state a to b then to c is 75 J. By using the first law of thermodynamic, U = Q + W where U is the internal energy : (a) Determine the change in internal energy between states a and c. (b) Is heat added or removed from the gas when the gas is taken along the path abc? (c) Calculate the heat added or removed when the gas is taken along the path abc?
THERMODYNAMIC - ANSWER 10.2 : (a) U = Q + W = 685 J - 120 J = 565 J. (b) For path a to c, U = - 565 J - heat is removed. (c) Q = U - W = - 565 J - 75 J = - 640 J (heat energy is removed when the value is negative). The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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Question 109 - (a) Acceptable wavefunction in quantum mechanics in the range of : negative infinity < x < positive infinity, vanishes at least at one boundary. Which of the following is the wavefunction or are the wavefunctions of acceptable theory : P = x, P = | x |, P = sin x, P = exp (-x), P = exp (-| x |)? State the reason. (b) Let linear momentum operator P = -ih d / dz. The wavefunction is S = exp (-ikz) where i x i = -1, k and h are constants. Find the linear momentum of such wavefunction by using the term P x S.
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Question 50 - An aqueous solution with 2.5 g of a protein dissolved in 600 cubic centimeters of a solution at 20 degree Celsius was placed in a container that has a water-permeable membrane. Water permeated through the membrane until the h - level of the solution was 0.9 cm above the pure water. (a) Calculate the absolute temperature of the solution, T in Kelvin, where T (Kelvin) = T (degree Celsius) + 273.15. (b) Calculate the osmotic pressure, P of the solution by using the formula P = hrg where h is level of the solution, r is density of water with 1000 kg per cubic meter, g = 9.81 N / kg as gravitational acceleration. (c) Calculate the concentration of the protein solution, C in kg / cubic meter. (d) Calculate the molecular weight of the protein, (MW) = CRT / P where R = 8.314 Pa cubic meter / (mol K) as ideal gas constant.
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ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.37 : A biochemical engineering professional applies 5-step Du Pont formula in the accounting. Let Net Income = A, Earning Before Tax (EBT) = B, Earning Before Interest, Tax (EBIT) = C, Net Sales = D, Total Assets = E, Shareholders Equity = F. Let Tax Burden = A / B = 0.75, Interest Burden = B / C = 1.05, EBIT Margin = C / D = 0.27, Asset Turnover = D / E = 0.66, Return on Equity = A / F = 0.37. (a) Calculate the value of Leverage = E / F. (b) If AB + BC + CD + DE + EF = $$ 141932, find the values of A, B, C, D, E and F.
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