what are you planning on your next b'day/what have you planned on your next b'day ..??
what motivates you to do your best on the job?
5 Answers Aspire, Infogain, Tavant Technologies, Thomson Reuters,
what type of text support questions will be asked at the interview
Is their any one who can answer my question ? When is the SBI exam for clerks which has 11,000 recruitments.......?
Would You like to live in a joint family or nuclear family ?
about hyderabad,techinicl support,friendship, rolemodel.
12 Answers Genpact, HSBC, Sutherland,
what is the answer for tell me something about urself
what is V.O.I.P?
what is meaning of BPO?
3 Answers Brigade, Genpact, Wipro,
How do you feel about doing repetitive work?
Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
What is Goal.
I BTech fresher, passed out in year 2011, my percentage is under 60, I couldnt get placed for tht, given this situation I have no go but to get job anywhere, Im plannng to find a job in Call Center, in customer support role. How to convince the interviewer that I need this job? as most call centers do not offer jobs to B.Tech esp Customer Support jobs. Please help