What happen if you have 3 ports in SQ and 4 ports in SQL override of SQ( provided all ports are in same order and they are connected with proper source and target)?
Also what happens when I have 4 ports and will extract 3 values in SQloverride.. What will be the value in 4th port ?
what is the main advantage of unconnected lookup
Make a note of the quantity vaults made in informatica?
Flat file heaving 1 lack records and I want to push 52000 records to the target?
explain the scenario for bulk loading and the normal loading option in Informatica Work flow manager ???
Three date formats are there . How to change these three into One format without using expression transformation ?
What are the diffrences between joiner transformation and source qualifier transformation?
Why do we use DSS database for OLAP tools?
i have one source 52 million records i want target only 7 records ?how wil you do what logic to implement?
what is lookupoverriding?
what is informatica metadata?
How to send duplicates to one target and unique rows to one target?target is empty
How do you handle two sessions in Informatica