what is period VAT revised return can be filed?
a x company deduct tds against our bills so how i entry this type of transaction in talyy 9.0 ?
I have issued an invoice to a client in which i have charged service tax but I have not received any amount against that invoice. In this case when is service tax payable.
what is percentage of work contract I have construction a house I paid my Manson Rs.3 Lakhs for labour charges what percentage I have deduct in Manson account and I have give cement. sand and Iron the Manson was supplied only labour like female and male labours. What is the answer and percentage of TDS.
how can I know the status of the service tax filing of my organisation when I don't have any details except St number. I want to know till what date the returns are filed etc as I have recently joined.
From Karnataka,while sending material out, which are all the states required Form 38?
80DD Dediction
1)How to calculate HRA in Income tax 2)Kindly give me Item list applicable for Tax deduction with their Amt limit and section (Ie Lta,grautity)
If some service provider gives a bill having service tax. say cost of service is Rs 100, He is adding 12.36% sevice tax. Total comes 112.36. we have to deduct TDS @ 11.33%. On what amount we should deduct TDS? (on 100 or 112.36 )
What do you mean by Capital Asset?
What is Profession Tax?
What is difference between Gross salay and CTC?
You are trader, and you are buying the exciseable goods and selling the same to locally as well as intersale. what records to be maintained in terms of excise.