plese send me sbi clerk material or previous year question papers on my email id: please be soon my exam will on 06/07/08
2 5070How do determine the Size of a Droop Current Transfomer for Paralleling of Two Generators, Say I need a Droop Current transformer for a 600 kW generator need to be parallel with a 800 kW generator, etc.
2 11063What is the limitation of loan given from one private company to other proprietors company, if any restirction is there. Please explain and how it affect income tax point of view?
1 3687What fomula is used to calculate: 1. rated frequency withstand voltage, and 2. rated lightning impulse withstand voltage.
1481Post New PNG Power Interview Questions
What is periscope?
What kind of memory is a ram categorized as?
What is migrate in django?
How to test a dts package created for data insert update and delete? What should be considered in the above case while testing it? What conditions are to be checked if the data is inserted, updated or deleted using a text files?
What is cross join sql?
How do I check iis version?
How to link microsoft access to excel?
What is the syntax of opacity in css3?
where do we use htaccess?
Explain the steps to achieve the email automation?
Discuss how the takeoff weight of an aircraft can be estimated?
What is the purpose of interprocessor stage in server jobs?
You have given 2 array. You need to find whether they will
create the same BST or not.
For example:
Array1:10 5 20 15 30
Array2:10 20 15 30 5
Result: True
Array1:10 5 20 15 30
Array2:10 15 20 30 5
Result: False
One Approach is Pretty Clear by creating BST O(nlogn) then
checking two tree for identical O(N) overall O(nlogn) ..we
need there exist O(N) Time & O(1) Space also without extra
space .Algorithm ??
Posted 3 months ago #
#define true 1
#define false 0
int check(int a1[],int a2[],int n1,int n2)
int i;
//n1 size of array a1[] and n2 size of a2[]
if(n1!=n2) return false;
//n1 and n2 must be same
How to generate swift message
What is html and how it works?