which VB constant make the menu item in centre?
What is the difference between Object and Class?
What is the use of Active Control Property?
I belive VB6 is a powerful and matured tool that any other front end tool, why is it outdated? is it because of lack of awareness or because of difficult to use?
What is Centralization Error Handling?
Give brief description about class?
List out controls which does not have events?
What is file in vb?
Which method is preferred to save data like database to the disk?
what are the Differences between ActiveX Control and Standard Control?
I'm getting error message "Reserved Error [-nnnn] ("There is no message for this error")" from Jet Engine 2.0.Why?
What is the difference between c++ and visual basic?
How do I create a window with a small title bar as in a floating toolbar?