Is possible to create skid in dim,fact tables?
What is the difference between hashfile and sequential file?
my source seq file have col1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i have 4 targets t1 t2 t3 t4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 like this how we can get?
What are the processing stages?
What is meta stage?
in one scenario source flat file like Fileld1 00122001550056200568 00256002360014500896 00123004560078900258 00147004560025800256 divide each 5 numbers as one column i.e here i need field1 field2 field3 field4 00122 00155 00562 00568 00256 00236 00145 00896 00123 00456 00789 00258 00147 00456 00258 00256 plz help me....
convert yyyy mm dd to dd mm yyyy?
what is hash file
im new to this tool im now at project plz tell me step by step process how to design plz help me i wnt to go with exp for job plz give me d proper design and explination
Hi This is Vijay, How can your remove the duplicates in sequential File?
15 Answers HCL, Scope International,
Demonstrate experience in maintaining quality process standards?
what should be ensure to run the sequence job so that if its get aborted in 10th job before 9job should get succeeded?
Difference between ‘validated ok’ and ‘compiled’ in data stage?