A noiseless 8kHz channel is sampled every 1msec. What is the maximum data rate?
How does a signal differ from a wave?
What is difference between aim & Target?
What is the effect of temperature on extrinsic semiconductor?
What is an instrumentation amplifier and the need for?
please send the last 5 years {{{JUNIOR ENGINEER - ELECTICAL, ELECTRONICS RRB CHENNAI}}} TECHNICAL question papers TO MY EMAIL ID pushpapappu@yahoo.co.in
Amplitude modulation is basically a A Summing of two signals B Multiplication of two signals C Subtraction of two signals D Non-linear process
what is the use of microwave antenna in communication through mobile?
6. When Abis link is down, name the alarm that is generated at BSC
What is zener voltage?
difference between ac and dc
10 Answers Alstom, BPL, Ford, HCL, Wipro,
is multiplexing used in 8085 or not ?
what is conductor? what is insulators? what is semi condutors?