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how to absorb to site basic corrections? which are the important correction?
How many kilo-newtons equals 1000 kilogram?
How to calculate steel quantity in beam and column?
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What are the Tests required to check the Quality of bar?
FOR concrete structure curing is important for hydration process,curing component is good for the concrete if W/C ratio is more than .38
Manpower required for de shuttering of conccrete slab
why steel tanks are provided (a) for water pressure (b) for wind pressure (c) for earthquake pressure
What is the mix ratio by volume of concrete grade 45
What things you need to take care of before building a kitchen island?
what is mean by eccentric footing?
Re: Can anybody help me by attaching files , formats for quality checks of common building materials like cement , concrete , bricks , sand and aggregates? please my email id is smgujjal@gmail.com