Which is the primitive that creates new structure types in LISP?
a) Defnum
b) Deftype
c) Defstruct
d) None of the mentioned
What is a symbol thought of as a name for a place to store value? a) Data b) Variable c) Parameters d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement? * (defclass article() ((title :accessor article-title :initarg :title) (author :accessor article-author :initarg :author))) a) Article b) c) d) None of the mentioned
Which checks the evaluated key form against the unevaluated keys using EQL? a) COND b) CASE c) NIL d) SETF
Explain why matching variable is important in Prolog? What is the method to match variables?
What is the output of the following statement? *(setf thing ‘sphere r 1) * (cond ((eq thing ‘circle) (* pi r r)) ((* 4 pi r r))) a) 10.566 b) 11.5683 c) 12.56637 d) 13
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf fact1 ‘(big computers are nice)) * (setf (first fact1) ‘fast) a) Big computers b) Fast c) Big computers are fast d) None of the mentioned
Explain LISP-Vectors?
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf book (book=author-writer book ‘(guy steele))) a) Guy b) Steele c) Error d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the following statement? * (defun make (title author) (list (list ‘title title) (list ‘author author))) * (setf book (make ‘(Common Lisp) ‘(Guy steele))) * (defun book-author-writer (book author) (cons (list ‘author author) book)) a) Book b) Book-author c) Book-author-writer d) None of the mentioned
Mention how many types of variables available is LISP? Explain what are the variables that are bound, and that have values assigned to them?
Explain what is recursion in Prolog?
What is the output of the given statement? * (defstruct circle (radius 0)) * (defun area (figure) (cond ((circle-p figure) (* pi (expt (circle-radius figure) 2))))) * (setf circle (make-circle :radius 11)) * (area circle) a) 44 b) 380 c) 382 d) 380.132