What is the output of the following statement?
* (setf x ‘outside)
* (let ((x ‘inside) (y x)) (list x y))
a) Outside
b) Inside
c) Inside Outside
d) Outside Inside
Which keyword is used to define the method? a) Defun b) Destruct c) Demake d) Defmethod
Which do not evaluate their arguments in LISP? a) List b) Procedure c) Setf d) Macros
What is the other name of boxes in LISP? a) Cons cells b) Conses c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf breakfast ‘(eggs bacon toast tea)) * (cond ((> (length breakfast) 10) ‘glutton) ((not (endp breakfast)) ‘normal)(t ‘anorexic)) a) Anorexic b) Breakfast c) Eggs d) Normal
What is the output of the following statement in LISP? * (setf thing ‘point r 1) * (case thing (circle (*pi r r))(sphere (* 4 pi r r)) (otherwise 0)) a) 1 b) 0 c) 12.566 d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf abc ‘(a b c) xyz ‘(x y z)) * abc a) A b) B c) ABC
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf book (book=author-writer book ‘(guy steele))) a) Guy b) Steele c) Error d) None of the mentioned
Which is used to build the lisp procedures?
What should be used with structure names with a combination? a) Make- b) Make c) Create d) Deploy
Explain what is CLOS in LISP? What are the goals of the common lisp object system?
What is the output of the following statement? *(setf thing ‘sphere r 1) * (cond ((eq thing ‘circle) (* pi r r)) ((* 4 pi r r))) a) 10.566 b) 11.5683 c) 12.56637 d) 13
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf meals ‘(breakfast lunch tea dinner)) * (first meals) a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Tea d) Dinner