Have you worked with/created Parameter file
How do we do the Fact Load What is the size of your Data warehouse? What is your Daily feed size and weekly feed size
Describe data concatenation?
How to list Top 10 salary, without using Rank Transmission?
What is difference between a connected look up and unconnected look up?
how may sources can be used in a mapping at a time?(limit)
How to join a Flat and Relational Source without using (Joiner, Update and Lookup ) transformations... is it possible? if yes i would like to know how?
if i have one mapping and we already tuned that mapping for performance,everything is fine and loading will take 1 hr,so without doing any change in mapping how could we reduce the loading time from 1hr to 1/2 hr.
Can any body tell about the (UTC) unit test cases with the examples in informatica.
how we can do session partition in informatica any one explain me clearly? thanks advance.
What are events in workflow manager?
I've an excel sheet, in which one column contains data about the location like "City, State" and few columns contains only "State". Now I wanna load into my target City and State into two different columns. Pls help me out...
Types of error logs in Informatica?