How to answer the question how many fakt table in your
datawarehouse and what size it have?

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How to answer the question how many fakt table in your datawarehouse and what size it have?..

Answer / yaseen mohammad

There are three types of facts
1) Additive fact-----------which adds all dimensions for getting meaning full sentence Ex: sales_amount which adds dimensions like product,store,time
2) semi additive fact-------which adds some dimensions for getting meaning full sentence
3) Non additive fact------which does not get meaning full sentence by adding dimensions

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How to answer the question how many fakt table in your datawarehouse and what size it have?..

Answer / rose

Check this you have detail explanation

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How to answer the question how many fakt table in your datawarehouse and what size it have?..

Answer / gopal

There are 3 fact tables

Fact less fact table

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