Can we use ST-38 outward form for a sale of Rs-100000/-
with in the state i.e haryana
i received commission with deduction of tds how to take entry in my books. commission Rs.90000 Tds.10000
Please tell me the minimum exemption limit to applicable Fringe Benefit Tax.
I am George Moses from Mumbai I am asking the how to clculate the TDS on Labour ? Sub LAbour.
Rs.100000/- include service tax 10.30% How will be calculate. What is Basic, 10%, 2%, 1%.
What is the basic reason behind not using anyother depreciation rates Means Why can't we use any rates lesser than applicable rates?
If a contractor received the service tax amount from client and he also purchase the machinary which is used in construction, than can he adjusted of service tax amount to excise duty amount of machinary?
what is the rate of VAT in differnt items for example metals, wine, garments, foods, electonics, medicine
If, we rentout our fixed asset. is this transaction appliocable to service tax
Please let me know the where i submit the manual tds return. & what is the proceser of etds return. Deepak
What is FBT % for the F-Y (2008-2009). & A-Y (2009-2010)
2 Answers Easiprocess, Tech Plus,
how to calculate and submit to the concerned authority of pf,esi,pt. explaine?