What is ESP how its work &what is corona ? con insulater&drive insulater
where it is used ? Any body says that pls
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Answer / neeraj julaha
I read only about corona effect when the
EHV transmissions lines which are used
on power stations
get a max value of voltage then we could
saw the corona effect its a layor of
environment gases which gets ionised
due to voltage pressure and make a
hinsing noise also as we hear when we
get under a power transmission line so
that effect is called the corona effect for a
better assistance u may call me on
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Answer / kailash
ESP means Electro Static Precipetator it is work on corona effect.ESp two type of insulator used support insulator & shaft insulator. It is used Power plant, Songe Iron plant, Sinter Plant etc.
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Answer / shivaleela
I am going to explain about Corona.
Mainly Ozone gas is produced by corona discharge method.
In this method , Electrodes are the main components. In one side , Oxygen is passing, another side High Voltage(5kV), is passing, Due to apply of high voltage oxygen molecules broken and formed into 0 & O. This O will get mix with O2, and form into O3 that is called Ozone gas. This Ozone is mainly used for purification of water, air treatment, STP etc. If u want more information call me 7760572952
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Based on CPI/CGPA they shortlist the candidates & than directly start Interview so there is no Written Exam or GD Only PI.Interview held @ MNNIT , ALLAHABAD On-Campus on 6th,Aug, 2007 & the Questions asked to me by Interview Board ( 4 People) are from HR/SummerTraining/BTP/Subject-core, POWER SYSTEM & MACHINE. time duration of I/V is about 15-20 Minutes. HR- Q.1 Name,hobbies & About family background ? Q2.What u know abt NTPC ?? Q3.Why u want to choose NTPC as ur Carrier's starting i.e power sector not any other Oragnisation or sector ?? Techincal Questions- Q1.What is the reason for transformer Noise ?? Q2.Which material is used for making Transformer oil & How u measure its dielectric strength & Name the test ? Q.3 Which Machine u will prefer 2 use if flammble gases are coming out at a place & why ?? Q4.What is relation b/w Transmission Lines & Communication Lines ? Q5.What is the maximum capacity Synchronus Machine & total powerGeneration in our country ? Q.6 In india Power generation is at 50Hz while in America its 60 hz ,why so ?? Advantage or disadvantage ?? Q.7 Maximum Generation Voltage in india ? Q8. What is the Voltage regulation & why its required n how much is permissible ? & causes of voltage variation ?? Q.9 Why electric shock is feel ?? n in a Electric Train why we didnt feel that ? Q.10 Have u seen/ experience of any power plant/ industry related to the power sector ? so these are the questions which not too diffcult i think was asked to me.
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