Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite
direction. At a particular time the distance between the
two trains is 18km. A shuttle flies between the trains at
the speed of 80 km/hr. At the time the two trains crashes
what is the distance traveled by shuttle?

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Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / rayz

Eh lads??

The two trains are 18km apart. Now we know both are
travelling at 60kmph so therefore they have a relative
speed of they close on each other at 120kmph.

So as t=d/s
= 0.15 hours

To get this in minutes....0.15x 0.6= 9 mins

So the question is how far can the shuttle go in 9 mins at


So the answer is 12km.....the lads who said 12km were right
and the rest are incorrect.
So its worked out for ye in simple terms here!

Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 2 No

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / v venu gopal

12 km

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 4 No

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / naveen prasad

60km/hr ie. 1 KM=1 Min
80km/hr ie. 1.33Km=1 min

18 km distance means 18 Mins of trains and 9 mins of one
side train.
shuttle has 9 mins to fly.
distance =time*speed
t=9 mins
So, 9 * 1.33 =11.97

Approxymately 12km.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 3 No

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / sabarish

distance travelled by bird = speed of bird * time taken

= 80 * ( 18 / 60 ) = 12 km

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 5 No

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / md.mehtab

i think
speed of train=60km/hr
time 1hr=60 min

final speed after crashes of two trains is=80

speed of shuttleis =bird flies speed*time
= (80*18/7)

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 4 No

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / lava kumar

I think it is 11.6km.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / rudhra murthy s.

60km/hr ie. 1 KM will take to cross 1 Min
80km/hr ir. 1.33 Kms will take to cross 1 min

18 km distance means 18 Mins gone after the Shuttle crossed.

So, 18 * 1.33 = 23.94 km

Therefore, The Shuttle crossed "23.94 km" when the trains

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 8 No

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance be..

Answer / ripps

60km/hr ie. 1 KM=1 Min
80km/hr ie. 1.33Km=1 min

18 km distance means 18 Mins of trains and 9 mins of one
side train.
shuttle has 9 mins to fly.
distance =time*speed
t=9 mins
So, 9 * 1.33 = 9.33 km

Distance traveled by shuttle is 9.33 km.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 9 No

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