i have source file data empno,ename,sal 100,ram,1000
200,tyu,2000 300,gh,3000 out put as e
empno,ename,sal 100,ram,null 200,tyu,1000 300,gh,2000 how to load it?

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i have source file data empno,ename,sal 100,ram,1000 200,tyu,2000 300,gh,3000 out put as e empno..

Answer / sameer

1) Connect the source Qualifier to expression transformation.

2) In the expression transformation create a variable port V_count and increment it by one.

3) Create V_sal variable port and assign the expression IIF(V_count=1,NULL,V_prev_sal) to it.

4) Create one more variable port V_prev_sal and assign Sal to it.

5) Now create output port O_prev_sal and assign V_sal to it.

6) Connect the expression transformation to the target ports.

In the expression transformation, the ports will be

empno, ename, sal

V_prev_sal = sal
O_prev_sal = V_sal

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i have source file data empno,ename,sal 100,ram,1000 200,tyu,2000 300,gh,3000 out put as e empno..

Answer / chandu

question is not clear

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

i have source file data empno,ename,sal 100,ram,1000 200,tyu,2000 300,gh,3000 out put as e empno..

Answer / ravi

logic IS GREAT.

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i have source file data empno,ename,sal 100,ram,1000 200,tyu,2000 300,gh,3000 out put as e empno..

Answer / rsbandaru

Ok..Integration service by default assigns value 'o' to the
variable port..

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i have source file data empno,ename,sal 100,ram,1000 200,tyu,2000 300,gh,3000 out put as e empno..

Answer / reddy

Hi, Sameer
r u checked that logic

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