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burden in only one word?
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Why at the starting of induction motor current is high?
The power showed in the name plate of the motor is input power or output power?? The power showed in the name plate is 18.5kw measured current is 34.5 amps. location is india. can i calculate the efficiency of the motor using this data??
What is a copper loss or i2r loss pc?
What is transmittance?
how to decide the rating of the ct for 1500 kva transformer
what is rms value?
What is VSCF windelectrical system?
which protection used in power plant?
Why colled 440V to 3-phase supply.
what will happen if we will not use commutater means if we will give dc to the windings in dc motor
why nutral and earthing wire connect with each other in main panel board.
What will happened if the neutral of the (star connected secondry) Xformer disconnected? (if its Above KVA rated one)