A) Which two are benefits of Teradata's support for ANSI
Standard SQL? (Choose two.)
1.data is distributed automatically
2.queries get optimized to better plans
3.submit queries from other database systems
4.can interface with BI tools
B) Which statement is true when comparing the advantages of
third normal form to star schema?
1.Star schema tends to have fewer entities.
2.Star schema requires additional data storage.
3.Third normal form tends to have fewer entities.
4.Third normal form requires additional data storage.
C)Which two sets of functions does the Parsing Engine (PE)
perform? (Select two.)
1.sorting, formatting, and aggregating of the final answer
2.flow control of the data to and from the participating
3.SQL statement interpretation, syntax validation, and
semantic evaluation
4.dispatching the step execution sequence to the AMP via
D) Which two can be achieved with Teradata Active System
Management (TASM)? (Choose two.)
1.disable hardware
2.react to hardware failure
3.influence response times
4.collect metadata
E) Which three mechanisms can be used to ensure security
within the Teradata Database? (Choose three.)
2.spool limits
4.access rights
If a column is an image value type, how you can compare column values? How can you use this column in join clause?
Pgm A calls Pgm B and pgm B uses cursor, when pgm B is called second time, the program is abending saying the cursor is opened? Why?
Explain about a primary key?
What are the types of database model?
what is difference between primary key and unique key ?
What are the 18 schemas?
What is a join and explain different types of joins?
Which four data types cannot be used as a return type from a user-defined function?
Explain about relational operator join?
Does QTP Support the Propjects which are running in Dot Net? As we are starting with new project in Dot net need to use automation tool?Please advice & let me know what would be the best.
What is the maximum length of an extended property?
How is data stored in dbms?