Explain about relational operator join?
In which table collections errors are stored.
You have two tables with a one to many join based on a field named id. You need to find records in the parent table that are not represented in the child table. how would you accomplish this?
how to find the first two highest salaries in deptno in emp table
What are the 18 schemas?
What is the difference between a primary index and a secondary index? What is a duplicate data entry in an index? Can a primary index contain duplicates?
how will I find the duplicate rows count from employees tablein oracle.
What is denormalization and when would you go for it?
To convert IDMS to DB2, how to deal with IDMS occurs and redefined clause?
How to create an external table.
How to use online Backups?
Write short notes on manual refreshes.
Explain about xml databases?